According to the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), the population under the age of 15 was hardest hit by last winter’s influenza wave. Although the symptoms of influenza in children are usually not severe, it represents a significant socioeconomic burden for health systems, families and society, leading to an increase in hospitalisations, outpatient visits, sick leave and school absenteeism. For all these reasons, the Spanish Padiatric Society (AEP) recommends vaccination of children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. By improving access to information on vaccination, supporting health professionals in the management of vaccination, and raising awareness to promote healthy habits and preventive strategies, we can reduce the burden of pediatric influenza and protect the most vulnerable child and adult populations.
This Pediatric Innovation Challenge program aims to promote projects focused on implementing solutions for the Spanish pediatric healthcare system and society in general, through the use of digital technologies and new awareness and education strategies.

The aim is to identify new solutions and strategies with the potential to improve vaccination coverage, disease awareness, and prevention strategies against pediatric influenza.

AstraZeneca and i4KIDS are launching this open innovation challenge to help identify new tools and strategies to reduce childhood influenza burden. The aim is to identify innovative solutions with the potential to improve vaccination coverage, disease awareness, and prevention strategies against pediatric influenza.
Examples of possible solutions:
- Platforms or tools for vaccination management and influenza disease prevention.
- Applications or tools to improve the accessibility of vaccination information for people with disabilities and vulnerable communities (e.g. low-income communities).
- Telemedicine platforms for healthcare professionals, including alert and reminder systems to support vaccination management, communication with patients, and monitoring population coverage.
- AI-based personalized recommendation system for childhood vaccination.
- Educational projects targeting different communities, including professionals, general public, schools, children’s centers, and vulnerable populations (e.g. low-income communities).
- Social innovation projects that raise disease awareness and promote healthy habits to prevent children influenza.
- Any other strategy or approach whose main outcome focuses on reducing children’s influenza burden.

- Technology-based or social-based solutions in the areas of the life sciences, health, or well-being that address the challenge described.
- Any maturity level, from ideation to implemented solutions.
- Projects presented by a legal entity established in Europe, including the UK (research center, hospital, start-up, company, patient association…).
- Projects presented by individuals will NOT be eligible.
- Projects with a clear implementation plan within 1-2 years
- Projects that can be carried out within the award budget.
» Idea (40%)
- Soundness and innovativeness level of the proposal.
- Supporting state-of-the-art.
- Degree of coverage of the proposed challenge.
» Feasibility and implementation capacity (30%)
- Current state of development.
- Development and implementation plan.
- Involvement of patients and users in the development phase.
» Impact (20%)
- User-centric innovation.
- Engagement strategy.
- Scope of the impact.
» Team (10%)
- Previous experience in the field.
- Candidate’s capacity to implement the proposed solution.
If deemed necessary, the evaluation committee may request that the information in the proposals be verified with the applicants either in person or online.

Send the Application via Google Form
Proposals have to be presented and submitted by a legal entity.
Applications must be submitted in English using the aforementioned form.
Applications will be accepted until 15 July 2023 at 12:00 PM. Any application received after this date will not be accepted.

If you have any doubt or question, please feel free to write us at contact@innovation4kids.org