i4KIDS News

Last December, AGAUR confirmed the granting of Aid for R+D+i networks to carry out programs for the valorization and transfer of research results.
This grant supports the continuity of the i4KIDS Pediatric Innovation Hub for the next 3 years.
With this call, AGAUR (University and Research Grants Management Agency) finances programs for the valorization and transfer of research results to the productive sector managed by coordinating entities of R+D+I networks.
With this aid, the aim is to promote the collaboration of the research groups of the different entities that, due to the themes of their research, have common challenges and objectives of economic and social interest and that can join R+D+i networks.
The R+D+i networks have to promote the collaboration of research groups from different institutions among themselves and with companies from interesting economic sectors, promoting interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.


