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TRAINING CAPSULE I "Innovation Adoption Programme in the Catalan Health System"

Learn about PASS, the Innovation Adoption Programme in the Catalan Health System
i4KIDS Training Capsule

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“Innovation Adoption Programme in the Catalan Health System (PASS)”

The PASS, an initiative by Biocat, Servei Català de la Salut, and AQuAS, aimed at facilitating the arrival of innovation in the health system, is now operational.

The TECSAM, XartecSalut, i4KIDS, and XarSmart networks have joined forces to organise a practical workshop to explain the operation and tools available to entrepreneurs and researchers brought by the launch of the PASS:

1️⃣ Biocat Navigator: a search engine for innovation tools such as incubation and acceleration programmes, services…

2️⃣ Innovation Platform: Portfolio of innovative solutions developed in the bioregion and a contact platform between innovators and the public sector. Currently, it includes solutions from TRL 4 in Medtech and Digital Health and from TRL 6 in Biotech and Pharma.

3️⃣ Support Unit: coordinated support between AQuAS and Biocat for innovations that align with the priorities identified by the Department of Health.

Additionally, the PASS also offers:

Access to funding: A catalogue of funding opportunities (public and private) for projects at different stages of maturity.

Acceleration programmes: various calls for acceleration programmes within the BioRegion.

Technological and clinical validation tools: Discover and participate in the validation services offered by the most prominent hospitals in Catalonia.

Learn how to make the most of these tools with:

  • Àuria Albacete, Senior Project Leader of Innovation at Biocat
  • Rosa Maria Vivanco Hidalgo, Director of the Evaluation Area, Agency for Quality and Health Evaluation (AQuAS)
  • Cristina Mallol, Innovation Manager at Servei Català de la Salut

🗓️ 18 September 2024

⏰ 09:00 to 10:30

💻 Online

🌐 Catalan

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