The i4KIDS network aims to promote innovation in paediatric and maternal health to bring solutions designed, developed and tested with and for children and mothers.
To achieve this goal, the i4KIDS network launches its Innovation Program 2022 and calls for participation to any eligible project that wants to make an impact on the future of children and mothers.

The i4KIDS Innovation Program is aimed at identifying the pediatric and maternal health projects with the greatest potential and helping them move closer to the market.
Participants can participate in two different Program categories:
- i4KIDS Start (Only for i4KIDS members) See Participation Rules for more details
- i4KIDS Innovation Contest (For anyone, members and non-members) See Participation Rules for more details

Meet-the-expert session
All participants presenting a proposal will be offered the opportunity to receive professional advice on their IP needs or concerns (such as patent, trademark, or trade secret protection; or relationships with third parties through confidentiality, collaboration, or licensing and transfer agreements) in a meet-the-expert session with ABG Intellectual Property
Pitch Training sessions
i4KIDS Innovation Contest includes Pitch Training session. Only for this category
The five selected projects participating in the i4KIDS Innovation Contest will access the Pitch Training sessions.
See Participation Rules for more details
I4KIDS Start
1st prize: 15.000€ voucher for advisory services. See Participation Rules for the details of the services included
Participate in the Barcelona Preacceleration Programme, a 3-month mentoring program organized by Barcelona Activa
Participate in an advisory session with the KIDS Barcelona group at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital.
See Participation Rules for more details
I4KIDS Innovation Contest
1st Prize: 25.000€ in-cash + 10h of legal advice
2nd Prize: 15.000€ in-cash + 5h of legal advice
3nd Prize: 5.000€ in-cash
Legal advice support will be offered by DWF-RCD law firm.
Both Prizes: Participate in an advisory session with the KIDS Barcelona group at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital.
i4KIDS Start
i4KIDS Innovation Contest

General criteria:
- MedTech-, Digital Health-, Biotech- or Pharma-based projects in the areas of the life sciences, health, or well-being.
- Projects focused on the development of products and/or services for pediatric or maternal health.
i4KIDS Start
- Projects belonging to or in collaboration with i4KIDS members (see Participation Rules Appendix A). Proposals must be presented through an i4KIDS member.
- Research-stage projects (TRL 2 or above)
i4KIDS Innovation Contest
- Innovation projects and/or early-stage start-ups (start-ups that have not raised private investment rounds and without marketed products).
- Proposals with a proof-of-concept (TRL3 or above).
- Proposals led by highly committed project leaders, with availability to attend the “Pitch Training Program” and the “Pitch Competition” in Barcelona. An online option for the Pitch Training Program will be available for projects abroad.
- Winning projects of previous i4KIDS Innovation Contest editions are not elegible.

i4KIDS Start
Idea (30%)
- Scientific rationale. Supporting state-of-the-art. Proof-of-idea results
Market opportunity (20%)
- Identified and validated need.
- Target market characteristics.
- Identification of potential users and customers.
- Competitors and differential value proposition.
Transfer and implementation capacity (15%)
- Current state of development.
- Intellectual property strategy.
- Exploitation and valorisation strategy.
Impact (25%)
- Economic and social impact. Benefit for patients.
Team (10%)
- Experience in the field and roles complementarity of the project team
i4KIDS Innovation Contest
Idea (20%)
- Technically and scientifically robustness (proof-of-concept results).
Market opportunity and traction (25%)
- Clear identified and validated need.
- Target market characteristics.
- Identification of potential users and customers.
- Competitors and differential value proposition.
- Business model.
Transfer and implementation capacity (20%)
- Current state of development.
- Intellectual property strategy.
- Exploitation and valorisation strategy.
- Time to market properly estimated.
Social impact (15%)
- Economic and social impact. Benefit for patients.
- Existence of patient participation mechanisms.
Team (20%)
- Dedication, experience and roles complementarity of the project team.
- Motivation and commitment of the project team.

Download the Application Form I4KIDS Start
Download the Application Form I4KIDS Innovation Contest
Send the Application via Google Form
Send your Application vía e-mail at contact@innovation4kids.org (“I4Kids Innovation Program 2022” must be included in the e-mail subject)

This project has been funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Exp. No. 2018 XARDI 00011

If you have any doubt or question, please feel free to write us at contact@innovation4kids.org
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's )
For the i4KIDS Innovation contest, any project or start-up that meets the eligibility criteria can present their projects.